COGRID-19 is a series of risograph prints created to raise money for those most affected by the pandemic. The project brings together 19 artists from a city, each contributing to a shared grid. The collected works are a commentary on the public health crisis and the racial, political and environmental issues that have overtaken our country. Every penny raised will be donated to worthy organizations leading the efforts to help those in need.
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Client: CO-GRID + MICA
Role: Illustrator
Project Lead: Sandie Maxa, Rebecca Bradley
Project Team: Matt Coles, Whitney Sherman, Mai Ly Degnan, Erica Argilan, Danielle Ting Yu Lo, Chelsea Conrad, Brockett Horne, Mansur Makhmudov, Tianqiao (Emily) Xing, McKinley Gillespie, Jon Marchione, Zoe Lin, Hana Azim, Jiaping Chen, Jessica Brown, Carmen D’Anna
With 9 Baltimore-based designers and illustrators, the project reflects upon what Baltimore has experienced over the past 2+ years and how it's maintained it's charm and resilience.

One of the tenets of MICA is to ‘thrive with Baltimore’ and their grid is a manifestation of that. Every penny raised by the sale of the Baltimore grids will go to The Black Mental Health Alliance.